The First CMTP Comparative Effectiveness Research Institute was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 25-27, 2011. The Institute provided participants with an in-depth understanding of CER approaches and methodologies, to enable them to apply or evaluate a broad range of CER tools within their own professional context. Through case studies and interactive group discussions, students learned from top experts in the field. The Institute exposed participants to important methodological issues that arise when conducting CER, introduced emerging policy trends and was planned to ensure that participants would better understand effective methods for translating the results from CER studies into policy.
The Institute featured courses taught by leaders in the field of CER, plenary sessions featuring a key note speaker, panel discussions, and case-based interactive breakout sessions. The Institute was organized by CMTP and co-sponsored by AcademyHealth.
The 2011 CER Institute was funded by CMTP and tuition fees. CMTP is soliciting support and applying for funding for a 2013 Institute in the Mid-Atlantic States. The target audience will be doctoral degree candidates engaged in CER and established investigators who want to introduce CER methods to their ongoing research. The Institute is also intended to lay the foundation for collaborative research endeavors among institutions with a focus on issues related to AHRQ priority populations including inner-city residents, low-income individuals, and members of racial and ethnic minority groups.
Click here to download the 2011 CER Institute Program (pdf) (10.52 MB) .
For more information, contact Emily Rosenberg.