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Banff Summit - Access to New and Promising Technologies


Recently, the University of Alberta and the Center for Medical Technology Policy brought together leading experts with direct experience in designing and implementing coverage and access schemes.  Participants from England, Scotland, British Columbia, Ontario, Alberta, Australia, and the U.S.A. shared their experience on existing approaches to coverage with evidence development schemes and participated in open discussions focused on the lessons learned from each experience.

One striking aspect of the presentation on programs in British Columbia, the UK, the US  and elsewhere was the consistency and familiarity of many of the challenges encountered.   Furthermore, there were some hints from a few of the successful programs about strategies and methods that might be emulated by those who might try to implement these programs in the future.  We are now working to form a small workgroup to produce a Coverage with Evidence Development Field Guide.  This field guide will help avoid making previous mistakes and encourage the adoption of the best practices established by others.  To view the meeting consensus statement, click here.

Click here to view the agenda.

A list of meeting participants can be found here.

The next  meeting to discuss CED will be during the HTAi conference in Singapore on June 22.  Details to follow.

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