Comparative Effectiveness Research: Background, Priorities, and Methods
- A presentation that serves as a primer on comparative effectiveness research.
Translating Evidence into Methodological Guidance
- Sean Tunis gave this presentation in front of GAPPNet in October, 2009.
Coverage with Evidence Development: A Case Study
- Sean Tunis gave a presentation in June 2009 at the Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) annual conference in Singapore.
A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Designing Studies of Emerging Medical Technologies
- Donna Shaffer gave a presentation at America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) Medical Leadership Forum in October of 2007 on CMTP's goals, objectives, and pilot projects
Engaging Decision Makers in Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Sean Tunis gave a presentation at the US Cochrane Center Conference on Priority Setting for Systematic Reviews on July 11, 2008. For more information on the meeting please visit: