Resource Center
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Secondary Fracture Prevention: Consensus Clinical Recommendations from a Multistakeholder Coalition
Core Outcome Set-STAndardised Protocol Items: The COS-STAP Statement
Practical Guidance for Involving Stakeholders in Health Research (December 2018)
Designing Late Phase Clinical Trials of Disease-modifying Agents to Delay or Prevent Dementia due to Alzheimer 's Disease
Core outcome set for gene therapy in haemophilia: Results of the coreHEM multistakeholder project
Insurance Coverage for Genomic Tests
Paying for Cures: Perspectives on Solutions to the 'Affordability Issue '
Choosing Important Health Outcomes for Comparative Effectiveness Research: An updated systematic review and involvement of low and middle income countries.
Stakeholder Perspectives Regarding Alternate Approaches to Informed Consent for CER
Core Clinical Data Elements for Cancer Genomic Repositories: A Multi-Stakeholder Consensus
Core Outcome Set-STAndards for Development: The COS-STAD recommendations
Framing the conversation: use of PRECIS-2 ratings to advance understanding of pragmatic trial design domains.
Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of treatment sequences in oncology: a new approach
Payer perspective on future acceptability of comparative effectiveness and relative effectiveness research (2015)
Medical and pharmacy coverage decision making at the population level (2014)
Understanding the role and evidence expectations of health technology assessment and coverage/payer bodies: What are they looking for, and how and why does this differ from what regulators require? (2014)
The views of quality improvement professionals and comparative effectiveness researchers on ethics, IRBs, and oversight (2015)
Futurescapes: Evidence expectations in Europe for comparative effectiveness research for drugs in 2020 (2015)
Futurescapes: Evidence expectations in the USA for comparative effectiveness research for drugs in 2020 (2015)
The future of comparative effectiveness and relative efficacy of drugs: an international perspective (2015)
From adaptive licensing to adaptive pathways: delivering a flexible life-span approach to bring new drugs to patients (2015)
Reimbursing NGS Testing. Clinical OMICs ' Molecular diagnostics in personalized medicine (2015)
What can comparative effectiveness research contribute to integrative health in international perspective? (2014)
Accelerated access to innovative medicines for patients in need (2014)
Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: does PCA3 testing for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer improve patient health outcomes? (Oct 2013)
Methodological recommendations for comparative research on the treatment of chronic wounds.
Medicare Policy on Bariatric Surgery: Decision Making in the Face of Uncertainty (Sept 2013)
Recommendations for the Design of Phase 3 Pharmaceutical Trials that are more Informative for Patients, Clinicians, and Payers (Sept 2013)
Ethics and Informed Consent for Comparative Effectiveness Research with Prospective Electronic Clinical Data (August 2013)
Break a Vicious Cycle (July 2013)
Encouraging Value-based Insurance Designs in State Health Insurance Exchanges (July 2013)
Performance-based Risk-sharing Arrangements 'Good Practices for Design, Implementation, and Evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Good Practices for Performance-based Risk-sharing Arrangements Task Force. (July 2013)
Value-of-Information Analysis Within a Stakeholder-driven Research Prioritization Process in a US Setting: An Application in Cancer Genomics (April 2013)
Regulatory and Reimbursement Innovation (March 2013)
Recommendations From the EGAPP Working Group: Does Genomic Profiling to Assess Type 2 Diabetes Risk Improve Health Outcomes? (March 2014)
Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: Can Testing of Tumor Tissue for Mutations in EGFR Pathway Downstream Effector Genes in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Improve Health Outcomes by Guiding Decisions Regarding anti-EGFR Therapy? (Feb 2013)
Getting Our Priorities Straight: a Novel Framework for Stakeholder-informed Prioritization of Cancer Genomics Research (Feb 2013)
Improving the efficiency and relevance of evidence-based recommendations in the era of whole-genome sequencing: an EGAPP methods update (January 2013)
An Ethics Framework for a Learning Health Care System: A Departure from Traditional Research Ethics and Clinical Ethics (January 2013)
The Research-treatment Distinction: A Problematic Approach for Determining Which Activities Should have Ethical Oversight (January 2013)
Stakeholder Participation in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Defining a Framework for Effective Engagement (December 2012)
Incorporating Stakeholder Perspectives in Developing a Translation Table Framework for Comparative Effectiveness Research (December 2012)
Stakeholder Assessment of the Evidence for Cancer Genomic Tests: Insights from Three Case Studies (December 2012)
Recommendations for Incorporating Patient-reported Outcomes into Clinical Comparative Effectiveness Research in Adult Oncology (December 2012)
Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Pragmatic Clinical Trials in Older Adults in the United States.
Effectiveness Guidance Document (EGD) for Acupuncture Research - a Consensus Document for Conducting Trials (Sept 2012)
Stakeholder Engagement in Comparative Effectiveness Research: How Will We Measure Success? (Sept 2012)
Improving Comparative Effectiveness Research: New Methodological Standards Focus on Quality and Relevance of Research to Patients (August 2012)
The Role for Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trials (pRCTs) in Comparative Effectiveness Research (July 2012)
Building the Evidence Base for Decision Making in Cancer Genomic Medicine Using Comparative Effectiveness Research (July 2012)
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Kyphopalsty for Pathologic Vertabral Fractures in the Medicare Population: Safer and Less Expensive than Open Surgery (June 2012)
Incorporating Stakeholder Perspectives In Developing a Translation Table Framework for Comparative Effectiveness Research (May 2012)
Prioritization in Comparative Effectiveness Research: the CANCERGEN Experience (May 2012)
Three Perspectives on the Impact of Comparative Effectiveness Research on Decision Making (May 2012)
Continuous Patient Engagement in Comparative Effectiveness Research (April 2012)
Addressing Low-risk Comparative Effectiveness Research in Proposed Changes to US Federal Regulations Governing Research (April 2012)
International Collaboration in the Use of Registries for New Devices and Procedures (April 2012)
Looking at Comparative Effectiveness Research from Medicare 's Perspective (April 2012)
Current and Future State of FDA-CMS Parallel Reviews (March 2012)
How Well Do Randomized Trials Inform Decision Making: Systematic Review Using Comparative Effectiveness Research Measures on Acupuncture for Back Pain? (Feb 2012)
Recommendations for Clinical Trials of Off-label Drugs Used to Treat Advanced-stage Cancer (Feb 2012)
Panel Discussion (Feb 2012)
Comparative Performance of Two Methods that Assess the Quality of International Normalized Ratio Measures (Feb 2012)
Making Informed Decisions: Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Study Designs and Analytic Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research: A Briefing Document for Stakeholders (Feb 2012)
Using Health Technology Assessment to Identify Gaps in Evidence and Inform Study Design for Comparative Effectiveness Research (January 2012)
A Translation Table for Patient-centered Comparative Effectiveness Research ' Guidance to Improve the Value of Research for Clinical and Health Policy Decision Making (January 2012)
A Framework for Pharmaceutical Value-based Innovation (January 2012)
Facilitating CER in Cancer Genomics: Evaluating Stakeholder Perceptions of the Engagement Process (January 2012)
Redesigning Radiotherapy Quality Assurance: Opportunities to Develop an Efficient, Evidence-based System to Support Clinical Trials-Report of the National Cancer Institute Work Group on Radiotherapy Quality Assurance. (January 2012)
How Comparative Effectiveness Research Can Help Advance 'Personalized Medicine ' in Cancer Treatment (December 2011)
Improving the Quality and Efficiency of the Medicare Program Through Coverage Policy: Timely Analysis of Immediate Health Policy Issues (August 2011)
A CTSA Agenda to Advance Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research. (January 2011)
CER: Who Will Do the Studies? (November 2010)
A Policy Approach to the Development of Molecular Diagnostic Tests (November 2010)
Why Observational Studies Should Be Among the Tools Used in Comparative Effectiveness Research (October 2010)
How Best to Engage Patients, Doctors, and Other Stakeholders in Designing Comparative Effectiveness Studies (October 2010)
US Moves to Improve Health Decisions (August 2010)
A Pragmatic Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary (PRECIS) Was Useful for Refining a Randomized Trial Design: Experiences from an Investigative Team (March 2010)
Medicare and Medical Technology 'the Growing Demand for Relevant Outcomes (Feb 2010)
Response to Comments on 'Comparative Effectiveness Research (January 2010)
How the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on Comparative Effectiveness Research Will Impact Imaging Research and Practice (January 2010)
Generating Evidence for CER Using Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trials (January 2010)
Uncertainty in assessing value of oncology treatments
Access with Evidence Development: The US Experience (January 2010)
Evidence Making: Developing Tools and Strategies for Comparative Effectiveness (November 2009)
Comparative Effectiveness Research: Policy Context, Methods Development and Research Infrastructure (October 2009)
Rethinking Randomized Clinical Trials for Comparative Effectiveness Research: the Need for Transformational Change (June 2009)
Does Comparative Effectiveness Research Threaten Personalized Medicine? (May 2009)
The National Oncologic PET Registry: Lessons Learned for Coverage with Evidence Development (May 2009)
PRECIS: The Pragmatic Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary (April 2009)
Comparative Effectiveness Research in Ontario, Canada: Producing Relevant and Timely Information for Health Care Decisions (January 2009)
Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities: Identifying Critical Gaps in Evidence for Clinical and Health Policy Decision Making (January 2009)
Comparative Effectiveness Research and Evidence-Based Health Policy: Experience from Four Countries (January 2009)
Improving the Reporting of Pragmatic Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement (Dec 2008)
Challenges in Australian Policy Processes for Disinvestment from Existing, Ineffective Health Care Practices. (October 2007)
Reflections on Science, Judgment, and Value in Evidence-Based Decision Making: A Conversation with David Eddy. (June 2007)
Federal Initiatives to Support Rapid Learning About New Technologies (January 2007)