
CMTP & ISOQOL Host Webinar: Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes

November 14, 2012

CMTP and ISOQOL will host a webinar on incorporating patient-reported outcomes and comparative effectiveness research. The presentation will discuss research recommendations and highlight the significance of patient engagement.

11/14/2012 – Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Comparative Effectiveness Research Webinar

This webinar discusses the incorporation of patient-reported outcomes in patient-reported outcomes research (PCOR) and comparative effectiveness research (CER). The presentation will review key recommendations for incorporating PROs into CER and PCOR and discuss the potential contributions of patient engagement in the research process. This webinar builds from 2 publications recently released by the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) and the Center for Medical Technology Policy (CMTP) and will include a representative from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) who will discuss PCORI’s mission to support PCOR.


Featured Presenters:

•Sara Ahmed, PhD, McGill University
•Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, University of North Carolina
•Lori Frank, PhD, Patient- Centered Outcomes Research Institute
•Bryce Reeve, PhD, President, ISOQOL
•Charles Turkelson, PhD, Center for Medical Technology Policy

Participants of this webinar will be able to:

•List the type of PROs that could be included in CER or PCOR
•Describe the value of incorporating PROs in CER and PCOR
•List recommendations to consider for integrating PROs in CER and PCOR
•Discuss how patients can be better engaged in research
•Describe PCORI’s interest in PCOR


•December 12, 2012
•2:00 pm
•There is no cost to attend this webinar
•Advanced registration is required
•50-minute presentation followed by 10-minute discussion
•Webinar is co-sponsored by CMTP and the International Society for Quality of Life Research