
About Us

Improving the quality, relevance, and efficiency of clinical research

The Center for Medical Technology Policy (CMTP) is an independent nonprofit dedicated to developing a health care system where patients, clinicians, health care policymakers, and payers have the evidence they need to make informed health decisions. We convene and collaborate with a national and international network of health technology assessors, patients, patient advocates, clinicians, policymakers, and payers. Together, we support the next generation of clinical research.  We do this by providing methodological guidance, shaping health policy solutions, and transforming clinical research.

With funding from government, industry, and foundations, CMTP and GPC breaks down traditional silos that too often divide researchers and the clinical research enterprise from patients and the real-world health care questions that need answering. In an environment of increasing cost pressures, we are experts in bringing together diverse perspectives to create evidence that leads to better health care, while sustaining meaningful innovation.